Ghost Walkers!

Age Range
3-9 yrs
Setup Time
5 minutes!
Setup Location
Indoor/ Outdoor

Understanding color and shape is a tool for learning many skills in all curriculum areas, from math and science to language and reading. For example, when your child learns to discern the similarities and differences between colors and shapes, she is using the same skills she needs to recognize the differences between letters and numerals.

When young children are asked to mathematically sort objects (such as leaves, rocks, shells, or keys) they usually use the most obvious attributes of color and shape, plus size, to categorize the items. When your child plays, he uses sorting and classifying skills as he observes similarities and differences of color and shape, makes comparisons, and organizes this information into piles. This seemingly simple process (that we use every week when we sort the laundry or find things in the grocery aisles) is the foundation for living in a mathematical world. Sorting by color and shape prepares your child for the future application of these skills in making graphs or searching for a book at the library.

When your child explores different shapes, she is using one of the most basic educational processes: the observation of same and different. This concept provides her with a basic process that she will be able to use in observing, comparing and discussing all she sees and encounters.

This is a great way to get your child moving and learning shapes in a fun and engaging way!


  1. Trace your child's foot onto white paper several times to create footprint ghosts and cut out the footprints. You can add black eyes and different colored shapes for the mouth using markers (you can make hearts, circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, ovals, diamonds etc.)

  2. Tape the footprints in a large circle onto your floor/ tape them on the patio outside!

  3. Now turn on your favorite spooky tunes and have the children walk around the ghost footprint circle stepping on each ghost

  4. When you stop the music, call out the name of a shape

  5. The kids will have to move to go and find that shape and stand on that footprint. Celebrate their accomplishment... and then start the music again!

Disclaimer: This presents an overview of child development. It is important to keep in mind that the time frames presented are averages and some children may achieve various developmental milestones earlier or later than the average but still be within the normal range of development. This information is presented to help parents understand, at a high level, what to expect from their child. Any questions/concerns you may have about your child’s development should be shared with your doctor.