Image by: Janet Ramsden

Magic With Numbers!

Age Range
4-7 yrs
Setup Time
2 minutes!
Setup Location

Parents help children count their fingers, toys, people at the table, and other small sets of objects. Questions concerning “who has more?” or “are there enough?” are part of the daily lives of children as young as 2 or 3 years of age. Considerable evidence indicates that these children have some under- standing of the concepts of number and counting (Baroody, 1987; Fuson, 1988; Gelman & Gallistel, 1978; Gelman & Meck, 1986; Ginsburg, 1977).

People with number sense are able to understand numbers and use them effectively in everyday living (McIntosh et al., 1997). Good number sense also includes recognizing the relative magnitudes of numbers and establishing referents, or benchmarks, for measures of common objects and situations in their environments.

Helping students to develop such number sense requires appropriate modeling, posing process questions, encouraging thinking about numbers, and in general creating an environment that nurtures number sense.

This activity will assist your child understand the 'magnitude' associated with numbers!


  1. On the left side of a piece of card stock write the numbers 1-10

  2. Have your child place the same amount of stickers next to the corresponding number

  3. If he only knows certain numbers, help your child place the right number of stickers next to the numbers he doesn't know

Disclaimer: This presents an overview of child development. It is important to keep in mind that the time frames presented are averages and some children may achieve various developmental milestones earlier or later than the average but still be within the normal range of development. This information is presented to help parents understand, at a high level, what to expect from their child. Any questions/concerns you may have about your child’s development should be shared with your doctor.